About me: Neil Rodger

I’m the founder, CEO, admin person and cleaner at Lifted Communications. I’ve worked in communications for around 18 years (I agree, I don’t look old enough) since I realised it was probably, on balance, the most enjoyable office job you could have. During that time I have worked in all sorts of communications roles at a range of organisations in all types of sectors. I’ve been a brand manager, a copywriter, a head of comms, and an internal comms lead along with several other roles besides.

I’m certified by the Chartered Institute of Marketing and am a Member of the Institute of Internal Communications, for those of you interested in that sort of thing.

I think that, increasingly, communications gets overcomplicated and described in strange and complex ways that can sometimes make it seem a bit confusing and impenetrable, but the good news is that the steps to good communications remain simple:

  1. What do you want to say? (message)

  2. Who do you want to say it to? (audience)

  3. How can you get it in front of them? (channels)

  4. How can you make it engaging or interesting? (content)

If you‘d like me to help make your communications clear, practical and engaging, then drop me a line neil@liftedcommunications.co.uk